Monday, July 20, 2009

tagged by elianez

2) How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
oo..pening2..terlambat bangun..hari ni hari isnin pulak tuh

3) Who was the last person / people you took photo with?
my sister..najwa..

4) Would you consider yourself spoiled?

5) Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
erm best friend?? takde..kawan biasa2..

6) Do you want someone to be dead?
kejamnyer soklan..takde..

7) What does your last text message say?
jam 3.00pg..text to aya:"okay"

8) What are you thinking right now?
"malam ni nak pakai baju aper??".."okay, baju tak hantar dobi lagi"...banyaknyer kene pikir nih..

9) Do you want someone to be with you right now?

10) What was the time you went to bed last night?
1.30 am..

11) Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
bukit jalil..masa praktikal..baju ala2 pregnant..

12) Is someone on your mind right now?
umairah comel nak peluk2 cium2 cubit2

13) Who was the last person who text you?
my sis..aya

Ten LUCKY person to do this quiz.
1. adam
2. elianez
3. zeratika
4. atie aziz
5. sang putri
6. asam manis
7. aydel jury
8. ierah
9. haris
10. najwadi

14) Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
dengan boyfriend dia

15) Is no.3 a male or a female?
of course perempuan..perempuan melayu terakhir

16) If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
sama sekali tidak sesuaiii

17) What is no.1 studying about?
electronic..sedang study menjadi ceo sekarang

18) When was the last time you chatted with them?
baru jap td

19) Is no.4 single?
sorry..dah berpunya..

20) Say something about no. 2.
cantik..pintar..bergaya..(aniz dah puji ni..sila belanja yer..)

21) What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
rasenyer saling tidak kenal mengenal..

22) Describe no.9.
selamat hari jadi no. 9..hari ni bufday no. 9..

23) What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
sorang kat US..sorang kat Qatar..tak mungkin..

24) Do you like no. 8?
hehe suke

25) How about no. 10?
tengah pening psl konvo dia..


AnEs said...

haha..maceh..nah amek pizza.. *pizza! haha

master_red_lion said...

is it the number 1 is me????

isabelle said...

anez: pizza cap ape nieh? hehe

adam: yerp..ko lar 1..